Thursday, December 8, 2011

Second Sunday of Advent

Mark 1:1-8

Many years ago, the call first went out
Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Since then it has spread far
Over this sorrow-tossed earth.

To be honest, many accepted it because
Of the sword hanging above their heads;

But, I suspect that it was brought
To more through love and joy.

Nonetheless, its effects have been
Felt far beyond that silty south-running river.

The Kingdom of Heaven, first accepted by twelve
Spread to three-thousand, through fire and wonders.

From there the urban dispossessed, in the
Great Grecian cities took up the call.

Alexandria, Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem
The patriarchs were formed and squabbled.

From there … Well others tell the
Story better than I can,

Describing the mistakes, the paradoxes,
The highs and lows, in gritty accurate detail.

And still the question
Remains unanswered.

What is this Kingdom?
Who inhabits it?

Is it limited to a nation?
To the citizens of an Empire?

Probably not,
Or so I hope.

I believe that, they are a motley crew,
The Saints: farmers, beggars, thieves, and screw-ups.

United not by tongue, race, ideology, or time,
So different except for some basic things:

Saying yes to the rule of the Lord
And choosing to live in his Love.

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