Wednesday, September 28, 2011

On Freindship

To be honest here:
This isn’t my fault.

You listen too quickly,
And move on too fast.
You fail to realize that,
Your words link with each other and form a train
That speeds along  
Sidelining everything beyond it.

My words are pitifully slow.
I struggle to gather the right syllables
Searching across ideas and memories
With a one-pronged pitchfork, and a three-legged dog
I Race, I fail to keep up. 

This is hard, but it is love.
We still grow with our pains
Aside each other, despite each other
Choosing to see the others faults;
Deciding to be together despite them.


Dearest Lord, in deepest night
Our eyes are blinded
By the black veil drawn tight
Across our weakened eyes.

Now in this dark,
We remember how
You spoke into a darkness, the darkness
Of which a breathing world was created.
It obeyed your slightest will:
Thrashing rivers of chaos
Controlled by the slightest touch of your hand.

In this way you soothed
The pyroclastic fires beneath the earth
trembling pressures were relieved, making
Granite and obsidian, quartz and basalt.
The earth became still and knew your love.

The primordial wind which
Wandered its whipping way.
It you harnessed, collared, and hushed.
The wanderings of the storm-giants
You corralled by your command.

Rivers too massive to cross
With their abyss too deep to touch,
You Pruned and thinned with your love
Until the most useful,
The most balanced remained.

And the earth itself you sculpted:
Hill and mountains uplifted
By your squeezing hands
Gorge, and canyon were depressed
By water running through your fingers.

And to life you said:
“Be fruitful and multiply”

All your works O Lord were created
Out of darkness,
A darkness that existed before the light,
The darkness that expects it and
Does not strive against it—
Out of a darkness
That rejoices to be changed
You created all things.

Your dark material
You fused proton by proton
To create something:
Elements and molecules—
To form this complex colossus
That is Earth.

You created it all… all of this
Out of darkness, out of nothing.
And so we do not fear
It, but stand in its midst
Rejoicing with it,
Singing with it
In our own way.

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Oh Stars on High

Oh Stars on high
Send this petition
From a travel-wearied child,
To your queen of Heaven:
Mary Immaculate.
That she may intercede for me
Amidst my calamities.

Oh my God,
I am dead in my life,
Filled with a monotony
of fleeting pleasures:
The flicker of the screen,
The over-sweet nothingness of
High-fructose corn syrup,
That false intimacy,
The selfishness of the atomized self.

I eat but don’t taste
I sleep but don’t rest.
My days pass by, busy, and far too empty
For they are often filled with myself alone—
Which is a thing too small indeed.
It is a comfortable but dead existence.

Call me to something more, oh Christ
Call me to the mountain of death: Golgotha
To be and become amidst the thorns cutting your feverish skin,
The rough-cut rips over your scourged back,
The scarring pain numbing your hands.

Let me know your sacrifice,
To climb down from the mountain different,
To see your love and be forever changed:
My face radiant with sunlight joy,
My heart aching to show love,
My soul bettered by a great humility.

Oh Christ, cause me to see truth,
To feast with body and soul
 On the true bread of heaven,
Bread small and brittle,
Full of a tiny beauty,
That parallels the chickadee,
With its minute steps, its many falls.
This bread breaks with the snap of bones,
And fills more than any feast.

Friday, September 9, 2011

In the Beginning

In the beginning,

Was the Word
And the Word was…
With God
And the Word…
Was God.

Through Him
All things were made.

In Him
Was life,
And the light
of all mankind:
A light that shines in the darkness
Which the darkness had not
and will not overcome.

The true light that gives light to everyone
Was coming into the world.
He came to that which
was his own,
But his own,
Did not receive him.

Yet to all who did receive him
He gave the right
To become children of God.

The Word became
And made his dwelling among us.

We have seen his glory,
The glory of the one
And only son,
Who came

Of grace,
Of truth.

On Beginnings

This white page stands before me,
While the bleet of an summer-born faun enters the air.
I will probably never see her.
She will never see these lines.
But each exists just the same.

My professor opens class with a joke;
A callused pun, spongy and pitted,
It’s humor has eroded like last-year’s leaves,
Blowing in the snapping, hoar-frosted air,
Each aimless in its journey beyond death.

These leaves mix and mingle with the hay
In that wheezing, slanted barn, forgotten on the hill
Which once touched the grey-beaten sky.
Tired, and increasingly snow-laden each
Is ready to give up after years of use.

CHIRP! Zumm! TRILL! and flutter.
Countless Insects hatch, disappear, and mutate.
Without an announcement,
A tear-streaked obituary
Or even a story.
But still they come.

And here is the question of beginnings:
Where do they end?
Are they senseless?


I go to mass on Sunday.
Tried and tired the liturgy takes place.
Motions are made and responses recited
With drooping hands, and mumbled lips.
Few changes become apparent.

Then again,
At the beginning,
Few changes are apparent.
The sower’s work takes but a moment.
A seed's work only finishes with death.

Monday, September 5, 2011

A Simple Invocation

Oh Triune God
Mystery of all mysteries
Three in one,
One despite three
Be with us today.

Some of us rejoice.
Some of us weep.
All of us fail.
And all of us stand
In need of your mercy.

Lord have mercy:
Comfort us broken.
Guide us lost.
Feed us hungry.
And let us grow in your death,
That we may love you more.

In the name of another mystery,
That of Jesus Christ,
Wholly God while Wholly Man,
We pray for these things
And your Will.