Saturday, April 21, 2012

First Sunday of Advent

Mark 13: 33-37

In the stale, sick,
Overheated air of the mall
You rush.

Running and searching
For that one thing
Takes too long.

My patience would be
Long disappeared by
The time we left

We would argue
On the ride home. Tired and irked
By the budget and each other

So I did not go.
Instead, I ventured into
The open air to watch and wait.

Out here, in the greys
And browns of hunting season
I sit under a hemlock.

I do not know the
Day or the hour
But I can be prepared.

For my four-legged prey
And that day when
The trumpets sound.

When the dead rise.
When the bowls are poured out.
And, when everything ends.

Friday, December 16, 2011

Fourth Sunday of Advent

Luke 1:29

To see angels is troubling,
Even if one is clean of heart.

It is like being summoned
To the principal’s office.

Whenever I went, I always
Searched my mind for the uncovered base.

As I trod the silent hallways,
Their length stretching towards infinity,

I fretted about the unkind words I had said
Whether my anger had revealed itself.

The overdue library books,
The girl I had bumped into two days ago.

What is it like to be guiltless,
And still searching one’s soul for a fault?

Thrid Sunday of Advent

John 6: 1-8, 19-28

Who are you?
Are you He?
The One?

No I am not.
I am not worthy.
But he is here.

I am the voice,
The dunking hand
The baptizer.

I am least,
And unworthy
To touch him.

He is the light
That came from
Heaven above.

He is the LORD,
The source of
Live and Light.
He came like
A thief in the

The God of all,
Breaking in.
In the guise of a baby.

We expected his glory
His strength breaking down
Our locked doors.

Instead for our sake
He approached
In humility.

Out of Love he
Appeared unexpectedly
Amidst us.

To teach us
To live and,
To love.

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Honeymoon Itinerary

Let’s leave the world behind
For a few days
And get away, along the paths
Of the green-rolling Adirondacks.

When we get back
We should rest and grown, in each others arms
To kiss and be passionate for a few weeks
While we build a home.

Then off to Londontown.
To see all the beauty
That was, and still lies
Inside it’s storm grey architecture.

Crossing the wave-beaten Channel
We arrive in France.
To eat the finest cheese,
To drink wine and to be merry.

Then to Italy,
With its churches and mountains.
Stopping in awe at the grandeur
Of the Forum and St Peter’s.

Finally, we arrive at that holy city:
Jerusalem, where at The Church
Of the Holy Sepulcher
You will pray and I will weep.

Second Sunday of Advent

Mark 1:1-8

Many years ago, the call first went out
Repent for the Kingdom of God is at hand.

Since then it has spread far
Over this sorrow-tossed earth.

To be honest, many accepted it because
Of the sword hanging above their heads;

But, I suspect that it was brought
To more through love and joy.

Nonetheless, its effects have been
Felt far beyond that silty south-running river.

The Kingdom of Heaven, first accepted by twelve
Spread to three-thousand, through fire and wonders.

From there the urban dispossessed, in the
Great Grecian cities took up the call.

Alexandria, Rome, Constantinople, Antioch, Jerusalem
The patriarchs were formed and squabbled.

From there … Well others tell the
Story better than I can,

Describing the mistakes, the paradoxes,
The highs and lows, in gritty accurate detail.

And still the question
Remains unanswered.

What is this Kingdom?
Who inhabits it?

Is it limited to a nation?
To the citizens of an Empire?

Probably not,
Or so I hope.

I believe that, they are a motley crew,
The Saints: farmers, beggars, thieves, and screw-ups.

United not by tongue, race, ideology, or time,
So different except for some basic things:

Saying yes to the rule of the Lord
And choosing to live in his Love.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011

A Thanksgiving Prayer

On this grey day,
When the empty fields
And the resting woods
Are so bleak, so beautiful.

We gather here
To thank you for your blessings.
Both Visible
And silent.

We thank you
For yourself,
For ourselves,
For each other.

We thank you
For the diverse blessings
Which fill our lives
In all ways.

Give us the grace
To see your gifts
And help us to love
You who are love.

In the name of the Triune God,